University Websites
ACT: Australian National University - School of Archaeology and Anthropology
SA: University of Adelaide - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
WA: University of Western Australia - Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology
QLD: James Cook University - Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology & School of Anatomy
QLD: Griffith University - Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution
NSW: University of Sydney - Discipline of Anatomy and Histology
VIC: La Trobe University - Department of Archaeology and History
VIC: Federation University - Department of Biomedical and Food Sciences
VIC: The University of Melbourne - Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience
NZ: University of Otago - Department of Anatomy & Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
NZ: The University of Auckland - Department of Anthropology
Science Websites
ABC Science - the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's online science site.
CSIRO Double Helix Club - the CSIRO's science club
New Scientist - the online adjunct to New Scientist magazine.
U.S. National Library of Medicine - includes Medline and the Visible Human Project.
American Anthropological Association
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Society of Primatologists
Australian Academy of Science
Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists
Australian Archaeological Association
Australian Society for Reproductive Biology
Californian Academy of Sciences - Department of Anthropology
Endocrine Society of Australia
European Sociobiological Society
Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe
Human Behaviour and Evolution Society
National Association of Biology Teachers (US)
Society for the Study of Human Biology
Society for the Study of Reproduction