The amounts are pre-set suggestions. You are free to change the amount(s) by increasing item quantity upon check out. If you would like to make a payment via direct debit (bank transfer), please contact ASHB Treasurer Sarah Croker [email protected] for instructions.
FAO Apple users: the payment platform may not work in Safari (default Apple browser) - please use Firefox
The amounts are pre-set suggestions. You are free to change the amount(s) by increasing item quantity upon check out. If you would like to make a payment via direct debit (bank transfer), please contact ASHB Treasurer Sarah Croker [email protected] for instructions.
FAO Apple users: the payment platform may not work in Safari (default Apple browser) - please use Firefox

Voluntary contribution to ASHB studentship
Donation is pre-set at $10. You are welcome to increase this amount by entering >1 items in the quantity box upon check out.